Afterburn Workouts
Where Group Training Gets PERSONAL
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Helping women over 40 get off the diet & exercise roller coaster to finally balance their hormones!
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Club Pause
putting the "pause" on the midlife hormonal rollercoaster

Raise your hand if you feel frustrated by perimenopause. ✋
It’s not just about hot flashes, being forgetful or sweat filled nights.
Did you know it can be dangerous too? 😮
Not to be an alarmist, but did you know that menopause has been linked in numerous studies to an increased risk of dying from ANY reason post-menopause? Wowzers 😱
A lot of women try to tough it out and let nature takes its course. They ride the wave of symptoms until they eventually subside.
I’m going to be real here … that can be a risky approach.
Reality check …
The risk of heart disease and stroke go from 1 in 7 women to 1 in 3 post menopause. (Learning how to manage our stress goes a long way to helping this … and it’s not just about the stresses of life, what we eat and how we exercise are stresses too)
Bone loss accelerates with estrogen loss … 1 in 3 women over 60 will die within a year of a hip fracture. (Exercise helps with this but it has to be the right type and amount for you as an individual)
85% of cognitive disorders in women, like Alzheimer’s, dementia, and memory decline, are hormone related. (Balancing your hormones and working to increase your brain chemistry are key here)
Introducing Club Pause, our brand-new monthly membership program on all things menopause.
You’ve heard of Club Med?
Well Club Pause will be your premier destination for all things perimenopause and beyond.
You’ll get the same great content from our 12-week Hormone Harmony Intensive but spread out over 12 months.
This gives you time to really digest the principles of the program and make it your own.
There are 3 options to join and what you get (value) …
The Goddess Level ...
Initial 40 min 1:1 health assessment / welcome call ($75 one-time value)
(1) 60-min group Zoom call training plus Q&A per month ($100 value)
Private membership site with monthly educational coaching on key principles of the program plus weekly emails ($400 value)
Monthly workouts ($100 value)
$119 + HST/mo ($600 monthly value)
Twin Goddess Level ...
You get everything in the Goddess Level plus ...
Nutrition Coaching & Feedback – 5 days/week ($500/mo)
$179 + HST/mo ($1100 value)
Triple Goddess Level ...
​You get everything in the Twin Goddess Level plus ...
Monthly personalized workout plan with (1) private Zoom call to go over the plan ($400 value)
(1) 60-min PRIVATE 1:1 Zoom call per month ($100 value)
$239 + HST/mo ($1600 value)