How do you want to FEEL in 2025?
Welcome to the final stretch of 2024! I don’t know about you, but I’ve been deep in reflection mode these last few days. One of the...

Why a “weekly budget” may be better for maintaining your healthy habits ...
Do you track your progress every day? If you do, you might be feeling one of two ways: A) You’re keeping up with your workouts and...

Why “I have to” could be holding you back
When it comes to balancing your hormones or building healthier habits, how often do you catch yourself thinking, “I HAVE to get a workout...

Can’t fit a workout in? Try this instead…
Tell me if this sounds familiar… It’s 5 p.m., you’ve barely moved all day, but you’re exhausted. You know a workout would make you feel...

Read this if you feel like slowing down
Have you been working on balancing your hormones or getting back in the gym this year? With the holidays right around the corner, there’s...

I'm calling it out ...
I’m going to be brutally honest with you today, and I want you to know that this comes from a place of love. So, let’s dive in… You know...

Do this in the morning for better sleep …
If I were trying to tame the perimenopausal symptoms ... One of the FIRST things I would prioritize is sleep. Since we’ve been...

☕️ Skip the afternoon coffee?
Could you swap your afternoon coffee for 10 minutes of exercise? Science says YES! A study published in the British Journal of Sports...

Most brain health issues are preventable …
In case you missed it, I’m shining a spotlight on brain health this month in honor of World Alzheimer’s Month… And of course, we can’t...

The real cost of stress
I remember when I first learned about hormone optimization, I got caught up in all the DOING. The workouts, the meal plans, the...