Afterburn Workouts
Where Group Training Gets PERSONAL
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Helping women over 40 get off the diet & exercise roller coaster to finally balance their hormones!
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Short-term Solutions

21-day Metabolic Jumpstart Solution
Perfect choice to get a jumpstart on a fitness routine or to simply get back into the swing of things. This is even great for those who want to dip their toes into online coaching.
What you get with the program?
Full detailed flexible meal strategy packed with awesome recipes you’ll want to make over and over again
Workouts you can do entirely at home with little to no equipment
(1) Live group coaching call via Zoom so you can stay accountable, get support, connect with other like-minded people, and have all of your questions answered
21-days of email coaching
Private FB community
A new outlook on what’s possible in your life that extends far beyond food and weight loss (I’m incorporating a lot of components of life coaching into this program)
New levels of confidence that’ll have you feeling you can dominate any area of your life you choose!
Peace of mind to know that you NEVER have to go on a diet ever again
Now is the time to invest in yourself and in your health!