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Afterburn Workouts
Where Group Training Gets PERSONAL
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When it comes to nutrition information, it can seem like a crazy carnival of less, workout more; low carb; no carb; no fat; the grapefruit diet; Atkin's Diet, South Beach Diet; and so on and so forth. It can make your head spin just trying to figure it all out.
We are all as different on the inside (chemically) as we are on the outside (physically), so what works for one person, may not work for another. It's best to become a Detective and discover what works best for YOU! We can help you do this.
Here is our Basic Nutrition Plan:
Eat a variety of foods. I personally replace milk and milk products with soy or almond milk.
Eat in-season, local food
The further the food has to travel to get to your dinner table, the fewer nutrients for you and your family. Eat as many local, in-season foods as possible. Pick some up at a local market or better yet, grow your own. For some space savvy small garden ideas, click here
Go organic
Organic food is grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or ionizing radiation. At the very least, buy organic for the Dirty Dozen below:
Cherry Tomatoes
Snap Peas
Sweet Bell Peppers
Hot Peppers
Kale/Collard Greens
Meat should be free of antiobiotics, added hormones, GMO feed and other drugs
Organically raised animals are not fed antibiotics, growth hormones or any other artificial drugs. They aren't fed genetically modified foods.
Animals should be free-range and graze
When animals are said to be free-range and/or ranch raised, they are raised in a more humane way than their conventually raised counterparts. They have a better rounded diet and are not confined...they spend time outdoors in the fresh air.
Avoid artificial and imitation foods, whenever possible
Whenever you see the words "low fat", "no fat", "light", "low calories", "diet", etc...think chemical shit storm. These words may sound appealing, but they do not contain the nutrients of the foods they replace and they may contain potential cancer-causing additives. In the American food supply alone, there are over 3000 food additives. The average adult eats 13 pounds of food additives a year. Simply read the food labels. If you can't pronounce it or if it has over 5 ingredients, you're better off not eating it. Remember, if it didn't come from a plant or have a momma, don't eat it.
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