Is your “comfort zone” really that comfortable? 🤯
The other day I ran into a friend and she told me a story I immediately knew I had to share with you.
I hope it inspires you to start thinking more seriously about the BIG things on your bucket list!
Here’s the TL;DR version: :)
My friend started training for triathlons
Everyone in her life thought she was crazy
She heard it so often she even started wondering that herself
On the day of her first tri, she was super nervous and started to think she'd made a big mistake — and was even thinking of going home
A man came up to her at the starting gate and said something that changed her mindset completely
“Want to know what my favorite number is?” the man asked her.
“It’s the number of people who told me I was crazy for doing this.”
Then the race-starting air horn blasted and the guy took off.
And my friend was left standing there, thinking: WOW, he’s right!
The whole reason she'd decided to do a triathlon was BECAUSE it was different, challenging, and uncomfortable — way outside her comfort zone.
Now it was time to prove herself right… and the doubters wrong.
And (you guessed it) not only did she finish that triathlon — she competed in another, and another after that! And now those doubters are her cheerleaders!
Just something to keep in mind as you’re setting those 2024 goals!
Don’t be afraid to stretch out of your comfort zone.
“The sooner you step away from your comfort zone you’ll realize that it really wasn’t all that comfortable.” — Eddie Harris, Jr.
Sometimes the BEST reason to do something is simply to prove to yourself that you can. (And maybe those doubters, too.)
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