What happens when you do it anyway
You know those days when you finally leave work… … and the LAST thing you want to do is hit the gym, cook dinner, and tackle your...

You don’t want this
Controversial statement alert! You’ve heard (probably many times) how important it is to focus on what you WANT. And yes, it...

I wish someone taught me this sooner
Imagine how different your life would be if instead of asking yourself: “Can I do that?” … You asked yourself: “HOW can I do that?”...

The elephant in the room ...
What’s standing between you and your health & wellness goals? It can be like the elephant in the room… We know it's there, but we ignore...

This is 10x more powerful than “confidence”
Ever "waited" to try something until you felt more confident that you could actually do it? Here's the problem with that logic ... If...

The truth about “life balance”
The thing about "finding balance"? It's not a one-and-done task. It shifts depending on your goals and the season you're in. When you're...

What if you tried this?
What if you woke up tomorrow and decided to give the day your VERY BEST? And by that I mean, you intentionally decide to give everything...

What if you could do anything?
Happy New Year! A lot of us nowadays are doing something that doesn't do us (or the world!) and favours. We play small. By that I mean,...

The best gift I ever gave myself
I have a serious question for you today: What are you getting YOURSELF this year? (Hint: it doesn’t have to be anything you have to buy!)...

Is your “comfort zone” really that comfortable? 🤯
The other day I ran into a friend and she told me a story I immediately knew I had to share with you. I hope it inspires you to start...